
The Requirements Module in Rollup is designed to help you capture, manage, and trace requirements throughout the project lifecycle. This module ensures that all stakeholder needs and system specifications are documented and linked to relevant models and tests, facilitating comprehensive requirements management and traceability.


  • You can write requirements in Rollup.

  • Requirements can be nested with headings

  • Requirements can be linkd


The Requirements Module in Rollup is designed to help you capture, manage, and trace requirements throughout the project lifecycle. This module ensures that all stakeholder needs and system specifications are documented and linked to relevant blocks, facilitating comprehensive requirements management and traceability.

Use Cases

Capturing Stakeholder Requirements

Gather and document all stakeholders' needs and expectations at the beginning of the project using the Requirements Module. This will provide a clear foundation for system design and development.

Managing Changing Requirements

As the project progresses, requirements may change. The Requirements Module allows you to manage these changes effectively, ensuring that all updates are tracked and communicated to the relevant team members.

Ensuring Requirements Coverage

You can ensure that all requirements are adequately covered by linking requirements to system models and tests. The traceability matrix helps you identify any gaps in coverage and address them promptly.

Verifying and Validating Requirements

Create comprehensive verification and validation plans to demonstrate that all requirements have been met. This is crucial for ensuring the final system is fit for purpose and meets all stakeholder expectations.


The Requirements Module in Rollup allows you to capture and organize requirements using a structured approach efficiently. You can ensure a clear and logical organization by adding requirements and defining hierarchical headings (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, ...). The module includes standard attributes ensuring comprehensive documentation and easy management of requirements throughout the project lifecycle.

Requirements Management

Adding Requirements and Headings: You can add a new row by clicking the "+" button in the left sidebar. When adding a new row, you can select to create a requirement, heading 1, heading 2, or heading 3. Heading rows define the level of requirements beneath them until another heading row is encountered.

For example, all requirements under heading 1, titled "Vehicle Requirements," are treated as L1 requirements.

Automatic Numbering: Requirements are automatically numbered to maintain organization and hierarchy. Customizable numbering will be introduced in the future.

Standard Requirement Columns: The module includes several standard columns to capture comprehensive requirement details:

  • ID: Unique identifier for the requirement.

  • Level: Indicates the hierarchy level of the requirement.

  • Title: Brief name or title of the requirement.

  • Type: Specifies the type of requirement (e.g., functional, performance).

  • Description: Detailed description of the requirement.

  • Rationale: Explanation of why the requirement is necessary.

  • Linked Block: Automatically selected when a property is linked; indicates which block the requirement is associated with.

  • Linked Property: Specific property linked to the requirement.

  • Verification Method: Method used to verify the requirement (e.g., analysis, test, inspection).

  • Success Criteria: Criteria that define when the requirement is considered satisfied.

  • Verification Status: Automatically updates to pass, fail, or pending based on verification results.

  • Comments: Additional notes or comments about the requirement.

  • Notes: Space for any additional notes or details.

Linking and Traceability

Linking Requirements to Blocks and Properties You can manually link requirements to specific properties, which will automatically select the associated block. This creates direct connections between requirements and the system design elements they impact.

Collaboration and Sharing

**Shareable Links and Mentions **Requirements tables and individual requirements can be shared via links. You can mention specific requirements in reports and other documentation, facilitating easy reference and collaboration.

Verification and Validation

Verification methods: Create verification plans to outline how each requirement will be verified. Track verification methods, criteria, and results to the requirements.

Automatic Verification Statuses: The verification status column automatically updates to pass, fail, or pending based on the results of the verification method associated with the requirement.

User Interface Walkthrough

The Requirements Module interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, providing a clear overview of all your requirements. Below is a screenshot of the Requirements Module:

Key UI Elements

  • Requirements List: Displays all the requirements in a structured list format. Each row represents a requirement with its ID, level, title, type, description, rationale, linked block, linked property, verification method, success criteria, verification status, comments, and notes.

  • Adding Requirements: Use the "+" button on the left sidebar to add new requirements or headings. This opens a new row where you can enter the details of the requirement or define a heading level.

  • Editing Requirements: Click on any cell in the requirements list to edit its content. You can update the ID, title, type, description, rationale, linked block, linked property, verification method, success criteria, verification status, comments, and notes.

  • Verification Method and Status: The verification method can be selected from a dropdown menu, including options like Sample, Simulation, Analysis, etc. The verification status can be set to Pending, Pass, or Fail to indicate the current status of the requirement's verification.

  • Linked Block and Property: Requirements can be linked to specific blocks and properties within the system model, providing a direct connection between the requirements and the design elements they impact.

  • Comments and Notes: Additional comments and notes can be added to each requirement for further clarification and documentation.


Q: How do I add a new requirement to my project? A: Navigate to the Requirements Module, click the “Add Requirement” button, and fill in the required details such as ID, description, source, and priority.

Q: Can I import requirements from external documents? A: Yes, you can import requirements from external documents using the import feature. Supported formats include CSV, Excel, and various requirement management tools.

Q: How do I link requirements to other project elements? A: Select the requirement you want to link, click on the "Link" button, and choose the project element (e.g., system model, test case) you want to establish a connection with.

Q: What is a traceability matrix and how do I generate one? A: The Requirements Module itself serves as a real-time traceability matrix, visualizing the relationships between requirements and other project elements. The interface you are working with is the matrix, and it helps in identifying coverage gaps and ensuring all requirements are met.

Q: How do I track changes to requirements? A: All changes to requirements are tracked automatically. You can view the change history by selecting a requirement and clicking on the "History" tab.

Last updated