CAD Viewer

Rollup's CAD Viewer supports all major CAD formats including Open Formats like .STEP and .STL as well as popular Proprietary MCAD formats like Siemens NX, Solidworks, Inventor, Creo, and more.

Adding a CAD FIle

You can drag and drop a CAD file in many areas of Rollup, including:

  • Discussion Areas

  • Comments

  • Block Attachments

  • Hardware Catalog Items (via import, or via a direct attachment)

Opening the Viewer

Once you've uploaded a CAD file in Rollup -> Simply click to open it

Keyboard Controls

Rotate Around

  • Click and hold + move your mouse to rotate around a model


  • Hold Shift + Click and slide your mouse up and down to zoom

  • Use the two-finge zoom gesture


  • Hold CTRL and Click and hold your mouse, and then move your mouse

Viewer Controls


  • You can expode an assembly using the explosion slider


  • Dynamic Sectioning: Allows users to cut through models dynamically to view internal structures.

  • Multi-Plane Sectioning: Supports sectioning with multiple planes for more detailed internal inspections.


  • Distance Measurement: Users can measure distances between points, edges, and surfaces within the model.

  • Angle Measurement: Provides tools to measure angles between edges or surfaces.

  • Area and Volume Calculation: Enables the calculation of surface areas and volumes of selected parts.

Render Modes

  • Wireframe: Displays the model in a wireframe mode for a clear view of the structure.

  • Shaded: Renders the model with shading to give a realistic view.

  • Hidden Line Removal: Enhances clarity by removing hidden lines from the view.

  • Transparency: Allows parts of the model to be rendered with varying levels of transparency.

Saving Views

You can Save a view by going to the left of your screen, and using the buttons to save and view a previously saved view.

Supported File Formats

  • ACIS: .sat, .sab - Spatial Corporation

  • CATIA V4: .model, .exp - Dassault Systèmes

  • CATIA V5: .catpart, .catproduct - Dassault Systèmes

  • CATIA V6: .3dxml - Dassault Systèmes

  • Creo: .prt, .asm - PTC

  • IGES: .igs, .iges - ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

  • Inventor: .ipt, .iam - Autodesk

  • JT: .jt - Siemens PLM Software

  • NX (Unigraphics): .prt - Siemens PLM Software

  • Parasolid: .x_t, .x_b - Siemens PLM Software

  • Pro/ENGINEER: .prt, .asm - PTC

  • Revit: .rvt - Autodesk

  • Rhino: .3dm - Robert McNeel & Associates

  • Solid Edge: .par, .asm - Siemens PLM Software

  • SolidWorks: .sldprt, .sldasm - Dassault Systèmes

  • STEP: .stp, .step - ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

  • STL: .stl - 3D Systems

  • VDA-FS: .vda - VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry)

Last updated